Arts and Culture

A Street. Noon. – M.Saryan
Martiros Saryan is an artist born in the south of Russia. Here he graduated from art school and wrote his first works that did not get much success. At 21, the young artist decided to go to his homeland, to Armenia, and then to the East. Since that time, began the worldwide fame of the artist. The painting ''A Street. Noon'' was written just in one of these trips. The artist, who grew up in a cold, gloomy Russia, was incredibly shocked and amazed at the variety of colors that he saw in the countries of the East. In this picture we can see the incredible riot of colors that so conquered the artist.
Armenian VISHAP Carpet
Carpets have long been a symbol of Armenian heritage, each one meticulously handcrafted and passed down through generations. In this collection, we pay homage to this rich tradition, by turning this timeless beauty into wearable art.